Long time no ZF2 post, but here is something interesting peace of code that can solve cache problems present in most of the projects. I am assuming that, the reader knows how to create custom cache Factory in ZF2. Step 1. Edit your existing cache factory. See Line 35. namespace Application\Factory; use Application\Factory\CacheProxy; // Or […]
Right to the example… $identifier = spl_object_hash(function(){ // some function content }); Simple as that. Suggestions or problems ? Write a comment.
A simple solution to count days between 2 dates is using DateTime method since php 5.3 function getDaysBetweenDates($from,$to,$addLastDay = false){ $d1 = new \DateTime($from); $d2 = new \DateTime($to); if($addLastDay){ $d2->add(new \DateInterval('P1D')); } return $d1 -> diff($d2)->days; } echo getDaysBetweenDates('2013-03-01','2013-03-11'); //10 echo getDaysBetweenDates('2013-03-01','2013-03-11',true); //11 If you need to count the last day too , just pass […]
$areSame = (serialize($ob1) === serialize($ob2)); This easy way of comparing two objects in php.It will take in account object variables. Example : class ob1{ public $number = 1; } class ob2{ public $number = 1; } $areSame = serialize(new ob1()) === serialize(new ob2()) //$areSame = true; class ob1{ public $number = 1; } class ob2{ […]